Part of NIA Educational Institution

Events Conducted and Attended

Workshop/Conference/FDP/Seminars Organized:
Academic Year No.of Workshops Organized No.of Conference Organized No.of STEP Programmes Organized No.of FDP / Seminar Programmes Organized No. of Training Programmes Organized Remarks
2023-2024* 2 4 View
2022-2023 2 4 View
2021-2022 9 6 4 View
2020-2021 7 1 10 View
2019-2020 3 1 12 View
2018-2019 3 2 15 View
2017-2018 4 1 2 1 16 View
Workshop/FDP/Seminars Attended by Faculty:
Academic Year No. of Programmes attended @ Industries No. of Programmes attended @ other Colleges No. of Programmes attended @ MCET Total Remarks
2024-2025* 2 - 2 View
2023-2024 53 25 78 View
2022-2023 4 36 15 55 View
2021-2022 3 53 4 60 View
2020-2021 2 85 6 93 View
2019-2020 5 17 8 30 View
2018-2019 5 33 9 47 View
2017-2018 2 9 40 51 View
2016-2017 7 7 32 46 View
2015-2016 12 11 25 48 View
2014-2015 4 5 16 25 View
2013-2014 9 5 17 31 View
2012-2013 1 11 9 21 View