Part of NIA Educational Institution

Professional Societies

Professional Societies

Students are provided opportunities to join as members in the professional societies mentioned below :

  • ISTE: The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a nonprofit professional organization with a worldwide membership of leaders and potential leaders in educational technology. It is dedicated to providing leadership and service to improve teaching and learning by advancing the effective use of technology in K 12 education and teacher education.more…..
  • IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE (read eye-triple-e) is an international non-profit, professional organization for the advancement of technology related to electricity. It has the most members of any technical professional organization in the world, with more than 365,000 members in around 150 countries. more…..
  • CSI: The Computer Society of India is the first and the largest body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a handful of computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. Its membership stands at more than 50,000 in more than 60 chapters throughout India. more…..